Friday, October 18, 2024


You’re the wonderful light, oh Lord
The light of the gentiles, Lord Jesus

The glory of the church, You are
You made us lambent
with Your dazzling light

The grandiose radiance of Your glory
Speaks volumes beyond the
reach of mental creations

The excellence of Your works
Is beyond the contemplations of the human mind

In Your glorious presence are creations
Of incomputable dimensions of dazzling light
Gleaming from Your multifaceted wisdom

You reign in glorious splendour
You rule in all spheres of light
You are the complete expression
Of the divine nature, Lord

You reign in glorious splendour
You rule in all spheres of light
The effulgence of God’s glory
And the radiance of all creation

The dazzling pride of all ages
Have we been made in Your wonderful light
The joy of all generations we are
A resplendent life You have given to us

We are candescent with Your glory
Clothed with Your shimmering beauty
Adorned with beauty and with grace
For Your glorious world of light

In Your glorious presence are creations
Of incomputable dimensions of dazzling light
Gleaming from Your multifaceted wisdom

You reign in glorious splendour
You rule in all spheres of light
You are the complete expression
Of the divine nature, Lord

You reign in glorious splendour
You rule in all spheres of light
The effulgence of God’s glory
And the radiance of all creation

We are lambent with Your knowledge
Clothed with Your shimmering light
The resplendency of Your presence

Is beyond computable description
The brilliance of Your awesomeness
Brings all powers and every rule to their knees

Principalities are completely paralysed
At the glimpse of Your light

You reign in glorious splendour
You rule in all spheres of light
You are the complete expression
Of the divine nature, Lord

You reign in glorious splendour
You rule in all spheres of light
The effulgence of God’s glory
And the radiance of all creation

You dwell in unapproachable light
Everything in Your presence turns to light

You’re the light of life
The light of the nations
You’re so glorious

You dwell in unapproachable light
Everything in Your presence turns to light

You’re the light of life
The light of the nations
You’re so glorious

So glorious
You’re so glorious

Download The Pride Of All Ages by Loveworld Singers

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