Tuesday, March 11, 2025


He Is Jesus by Loveworld Singers

In bethany lived a faily of three
Lazarus, Mary and Martha, full of glee
A message came to Jesus, oh so quick
“Master, Lazarus is sick”

Jesus said, “This sickness won’t lead to death,
But to the glory of God, have faith” He said
On the fourth day, He spoke with grace
“Lazarus is asleep, let’s go his place
And wake him up”

He is Jesus
The resurrection and the life
With Him, all things are possible no doubt

The extraordinary doctor,
His Word is truth
If you believe he will make you brand new

Martha’s voice broken, with sorrow deep
“If You were here, Lazarus wouldn’t have died”
Jesus said, “Your brother will rise again, only believe”
But Martha thought he meant on resurrection day

“I’m the resurrection and the life,” He said to her
Believe in me and his life will be restored
Mary wept at Jesus’ feet, as she grieved
Jesus moved with compassion
He said “Where is he”

He is Jesus
The resurrection and the life
With Him, all things are possible no doubt

The extraordinary doctor,
His Word is truth
If you believe he will make you brand new

The led jesus to the tomb
Where Lazarus was laid
Then He said “Let the stone be rolled away”

At the tomb, with a prayer so profound,
“Father, I thank you, you hear me always”
His voice did resound

With a commanding voice He spoke theses words
“Lazarus come out!”
Immediately from death’s grip, he came out

Witnessing this miracle, faith did thrive
Jesus, the one who makes the dead come alive

He is Jesus
The resurrection and the life
With Him, all things are possible no doubt

The extraordinary doctor,
His Word is truth
If you believe he will make you brand new

His presence brings unprecedented miracles today,
He’s healing you, right now
His power works wonders, reaching you wherever you are
Believe in His grace, and His love

Just like Lazarus, You can rise ,
From the afflictions, troubles and pains
The stone is rolled away, a new day begins
In Jesus, you have the victory over sin and death
He is Jesus

He is Jesus
The resurrection and the life
With Him, all things are possible no doubt

The extraordinary doctor,
His Word is truth
If you believe he will make you brand new

If you believe He’ll make
If you believe He’ll make
If you believe He’ll make you brand new

Download He Is Jesus MP3

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