Blessed Father
By Your great and endless mercy
We’ve been born into a newness of life
Through the resurrection of Christ, our Lord
To Your glory and Your praise, Holy Father
Now we have a glorious inheritance
That can never perish or fade away
Founded on great and precious truths
Christ in us, the hope of glory
Precious Father, You made us holy as You are
A royal priesthood
A holy nation to show forth
Your very special, priceless possessions
Lively stones You made us, by Your grace
Now we have a glorious inheritance
That can never perish or fade away
Founded on great and precious truths
Christ in us, the hope of glory
We’ve received the Spirit of adoption
Whereby we cry, Abba, Father
The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit
That we are the children of the Most High
His special, chosen race
Heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ
Now we have a glorious inheritance
That can never perish or fade away
Founded on great and precious truths
Christ in us, the hope of glory
Founded on great and precious truths
Christ in us, the hope of glory
Founded on great and precious truths
Christ in us, the hope of glory
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