Wednesday, March 12, 2025


You paid the price for sin for the whole world
Not with silver or gold
But with the blood of Your love Son

To lay down His life so man be saved
So great is Your love for mankind

Your love’s beyond measure
Your goodness, beyond human thoughts
Oh, what a joy to know You loved us so

Precious Lord, The living God
You’re faithful
More than we can tell

You are gracious
Oh Lord, You are kind
Your divine love is pure and perfect

Blessed Lord, Righteous and just
And Your mercy endures forever

You displayed the riches of Your grace
In kindness towards all
Through Your Son, Christ Jesus

You predestined us for a glorious life
Bringing us into union with You

Your love’s beyond measure
Your goodness, beyond human thoughts
Oh, what a joy to know You loved us so

Precious Lord, The living God
You’re faithful
More than we can tell

You are gracious
Oh Lord, You are kind
Your divine love is pure and perfect

Blessed Lord, Righteous and just
And Your mercy endures forever

You are gracious
Oh Lord, You are kind
Your divine love is pure and perfect

Blessed Lord, Righteous and just
And Your mercy endures forever

Oh, what a precious sacrifice You gave
To You be wisdom and salvation
You are gracious

Oh Lord, You are kind
Your divine love is pure
And perfect

Blessed Lord, Righteous and just
And Your mercy endures forever

You are gracious
Oh Lord, You are kind
Your divine love is pure and perfect

Blessed Lord, Righteous and just
And Your mercy endures forever

Blessed Lord, Righteous and just
And Your mercy endures forever

Download Gracious and Kind by Loveworld Singers

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