Monday, March 10, 2025


He’s the God of mercy and grace
Who saved me from the pit of darkness
I’ve given my life to the Lord
And I am never gonna turn back

My face is set like a flint
Like a lion on its prey
I am dedicated to His Word
And my faith is in His name

He’s the God of peace and the giver of hope
He’s the God of our salvation
I’ll tell the world of His love
He’s the God of peace and the giver of hope
He’s the God of our salvation
I’ll tell the world of His love

The Lord Jesus loves you so much
He gave His life for you
He took your sorrows and bore your pain
Despised the shame at Calvary
He did it all because He cares for you
All you’ve got to do is just believe in His name

His mighty power is at work in you right now
Rise and be healed

For you in the dark, the Lord is here to deliver you
He’ll take away that heavy burden
That has weighed you down with pain
You are heart-sick and panic-stricken
With brutal pains from disease and sickness

Jesus is here to heal you now
And give you total freedom

He’s the God of peace and the giver of hope
He’s the God of our salvation
I’ll tell the world of His love
He’s the God of peace and the giver of hope
He’s the God of our salvation
I’ll tell the world of His love

The Lord Jesus loves you so much
He gave His life for you
He took your sorrows and bore your pain
Despised the shame at Calvary
He did it all because He cares for you
All you’ve got to do is just believe in His name

His mighty power is at work in you right now

Rise and be healed, rise and be healed
Put your faith in His name, put your faith in His name
You’ll have your miracle, you’ll have your miracle

Rise and be healed, rise and be healed
Set your gaze on Him, set your gaze on Him
You’ll have your miracle, rise and be healed

He’s the God who never fails
He is able, more than able
To do much more than we ask of Him
He is able, more than able

He’s the God who never fails
He is able, more than able
To do much more than we ask of Him
He is able, more than able

All the pain will be gone
Your sorrows will be over
Troubles taken away
Just believe in His name

Your situation will change
Your tears wiped away
Your sickness taken away
Just believe in His name

All the pain will be gone
Your sorrows will be over

Your situation will change
Your tears wiped away
Your sickness taken away
Just believe in His name

You will be free!
You will be free!
You will be free!

Download He’s The God Of Mercy And Grace MP3

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