Saturday, February 15, 2025


Know This by Loveworld Singers

Good reports to you are like feigned things
Given to fear and panic
Your joy gone inn a gust of wind
Blown away with the dust and nothing left
You have lost all courage to go on

Know this, no one ever met Jesus
And remain the same
No one ever came to Jesus
And left the way he came

Everyone who meet Jesus
Received the God life
Is totally changed
And becomes Christ-like

He’s the One who heals all infirmities
The One who takes away all pain
He is Jesus, the Saviour, the healer
He is here to save every man

He’s the One who heals all infirmities
The One who takes away all pain
He is Jesus, the Saviour, the healer
He is here to save every man
Who believes

You have gone wild
With uncontrolled additions
And inttense cravings
Your life is loaded with complications
By conflicting forces deep within

All your pain, sickness, and disease
Have ripped you off all valuables
Now, you are down to your zero level
In penury

Know this
No one ever met Jesus
And remained the same

No one ever came to Jesus
And left the way he came
Everyone who meets Jesus
Receives the God life
Is totally changed
And becomes Christ-like

He’s the One who heals all infirmities
The One who takes away all pain
He is Jesus, the Saviour, the healer
He is here to save every man

He’s the One who heals all infirmities
The One who takes away all pain
He is Jesus, the Saviour, the healer
He is here to save every man
Wwho believes

He’s here, healing you
Totally delivering you
Breaking every stronghold
He’s changing you from within
He’s here, healing you
Totally delivering you
Breaking every stronghold
He’s changing you from within

He’s the One who heals all infirmities
The One who takes away all pain
He is Jesus, the Saviour, the healer
He is here to save every man

He’s the One who heals all infirmities
The One who takes away all pain
He is Jesus, the Saviour, the healer
He is here to save every man
Who believes

He is here to save every man
Who believes
He is here to save every man
Who believes

Download MP3 Know This by Loveworld Singers

Download Know This MP3

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